Beyond Consumerism Conference

On 14th May 2022 the Adfree Cities Network will be hosting a 'Beyond Consumerism Conference':

Beyond Consumerism - Adfree Cities National Conference 2022 - Adfree Cities
A day of workshops and movement building for campaigners involved in anti-advertising, creative arts, health, climate and public space.

This borrows from visuals from Green House Think Tank's work around restricting manipulative advertising, as well as exploring similar ground to the Rethinking Demand Project by consider the need to "Reducing the Brain Pollution from Advertising". The Rethinking Demand project is a continuation of Climate Emergency Economy work that has been taking place over recent years.

A proposal for restricting manipulative advertising in public spaces
This report, published by Green House think tank, argues that manipulative advertising should be restricted, enabling citizens to opt-in rather than having to opt-out of subliminal commercial messaging.
Climate Emergency Economy Project
What would an economy that faced up to the reality of the climate emergency look like? To truly meet the challenge, the UK must rethink our industrial and economic dependency on materials and products sourced from around the world. Over three years from 2019-2022, Green House is exploring how trade,

Green House Think Tank will have a stall at the conference with copies of it's publications. We hope to see you there.