A Question of Scale

A Question of Scale

‘A Question of SCALE’ is a conversation in the context of global vulnerabilities and challenges - climate, pandemic, risks to supply chain, jobs, etc

“Imagining a cooperative, community-led approach to regional resilience”

SCALE is the acronym for Supply Chains and Local Economies.

This initiative is organised by the Green European Foundation, with the support of Green Foundation Ireland and Cultivate and is part of GEF's Climate Emergency Economy transnational project which includes Green House Think Tank, UK and GroenLinks, Netherlands. The project is made possible with the financial support of the European Parliament to Green European Foundation. The European Parliament in not responsible for the content of this podcast.

‘A Question of SCALE’ is a conversation in the context of global vulnerabilities and challenges - climate, pandemic, risks to supply chain, jobs, etc - that will:

  • identify ‘Blockers & Enablers’ to a cooperative, community-led approach to regional resilience
  • secure local supply chains and strengthen regional economies; outline the benefits of regional economies (especially, but not limited to, the agri-food sector)
  • encourage cooperative effort in local production for local need
  • identify the potential for livelihoods in our regions (with a focus on the midlands)

To find out more please visit: Green Foundation Ireland Website - https://www.greenfoundationireland.ie/

Images of the logos of the Green European Foundation and Green House Think Tank with text that reads Published by the Green European Foundation with the support of Green House think tank. GEF project coordinator: Sian Hasker, Green European Foundation. This publication has been realised with financial support of the European parliament. The Polden Puckham charitable trust have contributed to the report design costs. The European Parliament is not responsible for the content of this project.