This project starting in 2017 addresses the widening chasm between climate science and climate policy, the reasons for it, and how to bridge it. Its starting point is that the time for false hope is past, and only courageous realism will enable us to respond adequately to now inevitable and impending serious climate damage. This message can be cathartic, leading to a realistic assessment of future needs and prospects and avoiding a fragile or shallow optimism.
This Framing Paper by Jonathan Essex on behalf of Green House Think Tank outlines areas of focus for our forthcoming project. Green House is grappling with what this all means in practice and welcomes contributions and collaboration.
Green House Core Group member John Foster reviews Rupert Read's new book for Cambridge University Press.
How should people respond to the Climate Emergency? This gas is an exchange between Jem Bendell, and John Foster around a critical question of our times: Can democratic action now avert climate and ecological catastrophe. If so, in what form? If not, shouldn’t we be considering alternatives?
Prashant Vaze reviews Amitav Ghosh's book, 'The Nutmeg's Curse'. An account of the environmental crisis caused by capitalist firms and European empires
The inevitable upheaval as the consequence of our regime of accumulation is well and truly upon us. Today, every aspect of our daily lives seem to be unravelling. How can we exist in an age of multiple escalating forms of disruption? Can we envisage ways to work with and through that disruption?
Max Familioe considers the work of René Girard on desire, and it's relevant to Rethinking Demand and Facing up to Climate Relativity.
XR-UK has released its 2022 strategy As the World Looks Up We Step Up expanding on its 2019 list of demands. Prashant and Peter from Green House Think Tank core group briefly reflect on it's significance.
Online discussion about what the COVID-19 pandemic and the efforts to contain it may mean for the climate and ecological crisis. With John Barry, Anne Chapman, John Foster, and Reinhard Loske.
These are the events Green House held for the launch of our book Facing up to Climate Reality; Honesty, Disaster and Hope published in 2019
Our latest book, takes as its starting point the fact that the climate crisis is going to get much worse whatever we now do. The book explores what this means and how we might be able to confront escalating climate chaos while not giving up hope.
This one day conference considers big questions about climate change as well as what we can learn from past extreme weather events for how we might cope in the future.
Climate danger is no longer just one interpretation of the evidence, but what the evidence now decisively demonstrates how things really are. the UK Green Party should actively pursue necessary political changes to climate catastrophe, without waiting for majorities to be convinced by its campaigns