Climate Jobs Regional Reports
We have produced summary reports showing the results of our climate jobs modelling for each 'NUTS' area, down to level 3, area in the UK.
NUTS stands for Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics, a hierarchical geographic code system created by the EU for the consistent collection and collation of statistics across Europe. The first two letters signify the country (e.g UK), the next the region, and the last two numbers the NUTS 2 & 3 areas respectively. The NUTS 3 areas are generally smaller than English Counties but bigger than districts while NUTS 2 areas cover large cities or a few counties. A map of the UK level 2 regions is available here and the level 3 regions here.
The summary reports for the areas corresponding to the NUTs 1, 2 and 3 levels are available here.
If you click on the link you will get the complete list of pdf files for the UK. The code at the end of the file name (e.g UKC1) being the NUTS code for the area the file is for, so you first need to look at the NUTS code map to see which one you want.
The summary reports contain jobs estimates from Green House Think Tank’s Climate Jobs Project modelling, done on behalf of the Green European Foundation. Further results and information about this work can be found in our 2018 report, Unlocking the Potential of Zero Carbon. and on the climate jobs page. The modelling uses Eurostat and the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) data and published job metrics (e.g number of jobs in installing a MW of wind energy, or insulating 100 homes). The most recently published statistics were used where possible but due to gaps and time lag in what statistics authorities publish, the data used to represent now (2019) may be a few years older. All jobs estimates are in full time equivalents and negative numbers indicate jobs lost.