Moderate Flank
Green House has endorsed the new Moderate Flank initiative or 'Climate Majority Project'.
Green House has recently endorsed the new Moderate Flank initiative and has been accorded Collaborator status within it.
The purpose of the Moderate Flank is to catalyse the coming move towards mainstream, serious climate action. Extinction Rebellion and the school strikers emerged as a radical flank to the then-existing environmental movement, and by getting the climate emergency more widely recognised have shifted the terrain of debate. They have thus opened up space for a potential majority movement to pursue change through actions more mainstream than theirs, while still more radically transformative than what went before.
The Moderate Flank’s premise is that the next big thing is lots of little things done by people of all kinds – many coordinated and distributed efforts changing systems in companies, professions, institutions and localities. Taking action helps us all to handle awareness of the emergency. We each need to take responsibility, where we have power in our lives. Local community action is more important than ever: to mitigate and reduce the harm that is being caused, and to seek to adapt and build resilience. Workplaces, professions, businesses are an essential venue for climate-action, to lead (and lobby) where governments are not doing what they should to protect us.
The Moderate Flank initiative aims to incubate and foster diverse activities aligned to this vision. It shares the truth about the situation we are facing, promotes collective identity among those facing it, and generates increasingly confident action to accelerate systemic change. Green House, in broad support, will publicise the Moderate Flank through its networks and may organise further joint events such as the seminar recently held in the House of Lords. For some intellectual engagement already with the Moderate Flank concept by a core group member, see:

(Since our endorsement, the MF has announced a change in its name to The Climate Majority Project, for reasons which will be evident from the above – its website will no doubt be migrated to this domain shortly.)