What now for Green Politics?
Online discussion on the future of the Green Movement with Rupert Read and John Foster
What would a serious Green political movement now be doing in face of the climate emergency? With Rupert Read and John Foster
Following the disaster of last year’s Tory general election win, how should the Green movement now respond to the ever more pressing climate emergency? Especially in the context of the ‘test-run’ presented by the sudden, terrible Covid-19 emergency? In this webinar, Rupert Read of the University of East Anglia and XR suggested a shift in focus from mitigation to deep adaptation and a move beyond electoral politics to non-violent direct action. John Foster of Green House think tank argued that the movement should stay political, but reconceive its role as that of an explicitly revolutionary vanguard. The discussion was moderated by Anne Chapman, co-Chair of Green House'.
An edited version of the 'chat' from this debate, with questions and comments from participants as well as links to several publications, can be downloaded here.
Event Recording: