Thomas Lines

Reported on the International Debt Crisis for Reuters in the 1980s and researched at the Universities of Sussex and Edinburgh. He is now a consultant in trade and finance as they affect poor countries

Thomas Lines

State, market and democracy in Green politics

Thomas Lines's gas explores the topics of state, markets, money, democracy, common resources and places Green ideas on these topics in relation to socialism

Thomas Lines

A Shorter Leash: Ideas for reforming the banking sector

In Lines' gas, he examines the banking sector and how it can be reformed to meet the actual needs of the economy, rather than the private interests of banks and their directors

Thomas Lines

Primary Commodity Prices and Global Food Security: Why farmers still struggle when food prices rise

In this report, commodities expert Thomas Lines shows what has really happened to food prices and farm incomes in recent years. Food prices have risen, but not faster than manufactures.

Thomas Lines

The Dog that Didn't Bark

Lines looks at the 28 years following the Second World War when there were no such crises. He concludes that we need to reduce the interconnections between banks by introducing severe restrictions on interbank lending and derivatives trading, and reintroducing exchange controls