Can Greens be part of a broad Anti-Austerity Front in Europe?
Green House coordinator Ray Cunningham argues in this Gas that Greens should beware of the temptation to enter into political alliances based on opposition to austerity alone.
On 20 March Green House, together with the Green European Foundation and the Belgian think tank Oikos, held a panel debate and public discussion on 'Green growth or de-growth? Alternatives to Austerity in Europe' at Europe House in London, hosted by Jean Lambert, London's Green MEP. Speakers included experts from southern, eastern and western Europe talking about the differing challenges being mounted in their countries and regions to austerity policy and how the Green alternative to austerity fits into this broader political picture. In a follow-up to this event, Green House coordinator Ray Cunningham argues in this Gas that Greens should beware of the temptation to enter into political alliances based on opposition to austerity alone. As the elation surrounding Syriza's election victory in Greece threatens to turn into despair and further economic and social upheaval as it struggles to reconcile its popular mandate with Realpolitik and Realfinanz, this warning may be especially timely.