
Gases or 'Green House Gases' are essays published by Green House Think Tank which explore a particular, usually topical issue or subject.

Prashant Vaze

The conversation isn’t where we thought it was

XR-UK has released its 2022 strategy As the World Looks Up We Step Up expanding on its 2019 list of demands. Prashant and Peter from Green House Think Tank core group briefly reflect on it's significance.

Anne Chapman

Stopping fossil fuel extraction – a lockdown approach

Chapman argues we should shift attention from carbon emissions to stopping fossil fuel extraction. The climate crisis requires we stop extraction now, but just as in the lockdowns there were exceptions to the general stay at home rule, there would need to be exceptions to the ban on fossil fuels

Peter Sims

COP26: Asking the Wrong Questions?

This gas by Peter Sims asks whether COP26 will succeed and argues that it needs to stop asking the wrong questions in order to take the opportunity to change direction

Rupert Read

Between XR and COP

On the spectrum from conventional activism and politics through to arrest-willing non-violent direct action, the most obvious vacancy is work. We need to be delivering the necessary transformative change via our day jobs: working to ensure that the job really is part of the solution, not the problem

Emma Dawnay

Measuring what matters

Emma Dawnay's proposal outlined is that the Green Book is updated to require the key metrics of greenhouse gas emissions to be at the forefront of each and every project appraisal

Jonathan Essex

Calling Jet Zero’s bluff

Jonathan Essex's gas examines the UK government's aviation strategy, and sees it as inadequate to deal with the scale and severity climate change

John Foster

Preparing for the Improbable

An extended review by John Foster of Extinction Rebellion: Insights from the Inside, Rupert Read and Samuel Alexander (Simplicity Institute, 2020). Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the Twenty-First Century, Andreas Malm (Verso, 2020)

Reinhard Loske

The Economisation of Nature and its Services

Reinhard Loske argues that the idea that the ‘economisation of nature’ represents the one and only path to salvation should be viewed much more critically.

Jonathan Essex

Building Back Differently: A Climate Emergency Recovery from COVID-19

Jonathan Essex's gas examines the lessons we need to draw from the covid crisis in order to rebuild and ensure an equitable recovery from this crisis.

Andrew Mearman

The UK government economic policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Three possible lessons for climate emergency planning

This gas looks at government economic policy. Could there be a radically different role for the state?

John Foster

The COVID bonus? – a dissenting note

John Foster's gas compares Covid and climate emergency issues and argues they are completely different, and the covid crisis is far easier to understand.

Anne Chapman

Will COVID-19 help us tackle climate change?

This 'gas' discusses three of these possible changes, two of which may be positive for tackling the climate crisis and one negative, before going on to outline some similarities and differences between climate change and COVID-19.